Response To The Tsunami Disaster Of 2004
October 16, 2004
Alleviating The Impact Of The Human Elephant Conflict On School-Going Children [2012 onwards]
October 17, 2012

Handloom weaver [2006]

Y.G. Dayawathi of Uda Dumbara in the Kandy district is an entrepreneur, manufacturing handwoven cloth using the unique ‘Dumbara’ weaving patterns. In 2006, I/D/E/A/S supported her with financial assistance to procure much needed thread and equipment. She went on to win the Award for the Best Creation at the National Handloom Exhibition held in 2006 in Colombo, and was also able to cater to the high demand for her products of sarees and other handloom garments thanks to this support from I/D/E/A/S.

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February 14, 2019

Briquettes Producer [2019]

Manjula Jayampathy has been an entrepreneur conducting an operation that converts bio waste, such as paddy/oats husks and saw dust, to briquettes. Briquettes are utilized in different industries including the tea industry.
October 18, 2021

Spice Producer, Moratuwa [2021]

‘Sameera Products’ has been a household name for ready-made spices including chillie powder, chillie pieces, pepper powder, raw & roasted curry powder and turmeric powder in the Puwakgaha thotupola, Moratumulla area in Moratuwa.
February 12, 2024

Community Bee Keeping Project at Inginimitiya Irrigation Scheme [2023]

D/E/A/S initiated a Bee keeping Development Project in March 2023, at the Inginimitiya Irrigation scheme in Puttalam district. The project is implemented by Infotechs-IDEAS with the active support of the Inginimitiya Irrigation Department staff.