Malkanthi Bandara of Katudeniya, Mathale has been running her own business of producing cloth bags, soft toys and ladies garments. She sells these products to local and foreign customers who drop in at her shop. Malkanthi also supplies to local shops and to various exporters while also undertaking to display and sell her products at different exhibitions held in Sri Lanka. Being the winner of many district and national level awards for small-scale entrepreneurship, Malkanthi has taken the lead to provide employment to several sewing girls from her village. I/D/E/A/S supported Malkanthi with financial assistance at a much needed time to upscale her productions.
November 2, 2017
Vasanthi Gulasekharam, was a 24-year-old young lady entrepreneur who was setting up her own Hair and Beauty care Salon in a rented space in Havelock Road...