June 25, 2024

Support to Grand Smile Elders Home, Haputale[2024]

The primary objective of this Care facility, initiated in 2008, is to provide improved care for marginalized and isolated individuals who are elderly, differently-abled and who are also in need of special mental health care.
February 6, 2024

Relief to Flood Victims in Akuressa [2023]

The Southern Province of Sri Lanka experienced unprecedented rainfall during the months of September and October 2023 leading to severe floods in several areas of the Matara district. Thelijjawila in Akuressa was one of the worst hit areas. The President of the Lions Club of Akuressa made an appeal for assistance on behalf of the flood victims to Mrs Mitabi Gunawardene, President of the Lions Club of Havelock Town, Colombo and also a member of I/D/E/A/S.
October 17, 2023

Providing Nutritious Meals To Students Of Selected Schools In Remote Rural Areas[2023]

During the past 2 to 3 years (2020-2023), Sri Lanka has been affected by one of the worst socioeconomic crises the country has ever seen. Studies conducted by the United Nations organizations and the World Bank have shown the grave situation of the population, especially where nearly 28% face food insecurity in varying degrees.
October 17, 2022

Donating medical supplies to the Lady Ridgeway Hospital [2022]

In the year 2022, when Sri Lanka was starting to face one of its worst economic crises, I/D/E/A/S stepped in with a handsome grant to provide much needed medicines and equipment to Lady Ridgeway Hospital...
October 17, 2017

I/D/E/A/S Partnership With Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum (LRWHF) [2017 onwards]

In 2017, I/D/E/A/S initiated a thematic and institutional partnership with the Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum (LRWHF) to promote the use of rainwater harvesting for meeting people’s water needs.
November 2, 2015

Purchase of computers to Vidyathileke Vidyalaya, Thimbirigasyaya [2015]

The Lions Club of Havelock Town had set up a computer room for Vidyathileke Vidyalaya, Thimbirigasyaya, Colombo 5 with all the necessary facilities including electronic and IT equipment,...